Senior Pastor Ken StroupPastor Stroup was called into ministry as an evangelist in 1974. He received his Exhorter credentials in1977, Ordination in 1978 and became an Ordained Bishop in the Church of God in 1985. He served as afull-time evangelist on the state program in Alabama for 31 years. He has served multiple terms on theAlabama State Council and Alabama State Evangelism Board. Pastor Stroup has ministered extensivelyall over the United States as well as many countries abroad. He has been very involved in mission workover the past several years. Pastor Stroup's greatest desire is to show God's love to a lost world. Hebelieves that he has been called to help equip and empower the Alabaster Church of God to be all thatGod calls the church to be through our service to Him. Pastor Stroup's wife Freda joins him in ministry. They have two children, Alex and Alicia. Ephesians 4:11-16
Senior Pastor Ken StroupPastor Stroup was called into ministry as anevangelist in 1974. He received his Exhortercredentials in 1977, Ordination in 1978 and becamean Ordained Bishop in the Church of God in 1985.He served as a full-time evangelist on the stateprogram in Alabama for 31 years. He has servedmultiple terms on the Alabama State Council andAlabama State Evangelism Board. Pastor Stroup hasministered extensively all over the United States aswell as many countries abroad. He has been veryinvolved in mission work over the past several years. Pastor Stroup's greatest desire is to show God's love to a lost world. He believes that he has been calledto help equip and empower the Alabaster Church ofGod to be all that God calls the church to be through our service to Him. Pastor Stroup's wife Freda joins him in ministry. They have two children, Alex and Alicia. Ephesians 4:11-16